
Sparks agree 7% wage increase from 2024

Electricians are set for a 7% wage rise from 2024 after a new pay deal was hammered out by electrical contractors and union Unite under the JIB collective agreement.

The two-year deal for the industry also includes a 5% uptick in rates from 2025.

Electrical Contractors’ Association chief negotiator Andrew Hutchins said: “The last few years have been difficult, and it is beneficial to have some certainty at a time when the wider economy is unpredictable.

“This agreement gives us an opportunity to work with Unite on longer-term ambitions to update and modernise the industry to improve skills for a low carbon economy.”

Unite National Officer, Jason Poulter, said: “Unite members have voted to accept a two-year which will create economic certainty for them for the lifetime of the deal.

“Our members recognise the benefits of direct employment and collective bargaining delivering enhanced sick pay, private medical cover, and insurances to give essential peace of mind.” 

JIB deal

Year 1 – from 1 January 2024

7% increase to rates
£20 increase to weekly sick pay for all grades during weeks 3 to 24 – therefore providing:
£210 per week for a Technician
£200 per week for an Approved Electrician
£190 per week for an Electrician
£180 per week for others as defined in clause 1.3 note(a) of Section 9 of the JIB Handbook
£10 increase to weekly sick pay for all grades (as above) during weeks 25 to 52.

Year 2 – from 6 January 2025

5% increase to rates
£10,000 increase to death in service benefit – therefore up from £30,000 to £40,000
A ‘recoupment’ arrangement for sick pay – an arrangement to reimburse the 2nd week of absence after an employee has been off sick for 8 weeks.
50p – £2 responsibility money – increased from 10p – £1.

Other points agreed: 

Lodging allowance will be increased on the anniversary dates in line with the usual process between JIB and HMRC using a formula set out by HMRC.
Agreement to review the level of remuneration payable to electrical installation apprentices and the position of electrical contracting wage levels.
There is an agreement to include wording in the handbooks to outline the current statutory pension arrangement; and
There is also an agreement to amend the current wording in Section 4, clause 6 of the JIB Handbook to reflect a broader range of training courses.

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