
Raise the Roof Attends SIG Industrial Roofing Showcase

RAISE THE ROOF – the new equality and diversity group for the roofing sector – attended the SIG Industrial Roofing Showcase in Tyneside on 28 February.

SIG Industrial Roofing Showcase 

The event was organised by SIG ​​​​​​​Building Solutions and included a product update and introduction to the company’s new Gemmello Revive Overclad system. The update was presented by Phil Tye, Business Development Manager; with Sam Jones, Commercial Development Director; and Lindsey Lovell, Regional Sales Manager from Steadmans.

Raise the Roof founders, Kate Whatley and Denise Cherry, took the opportunity to give an overview of the work that the group has carried out recently. They explained the aims and objectives of the group: to educate, inspire and support group members and new entrants to the industry. This is achieved through focused networking, building collaboration across the industry to produce real results and benefits for all.

Phil Tye

Raise the Roof Meets Target

At a previous Raise the Roof event, held in December 2023, an objective was set to register 50 members within 3 months. Denise and Kate announced that this target had been met. The fiftieth member is Kirsty Sewell, the business development co-ordinator at SIG Building Solutions, who was at the meeting and was presented with her certificate.

Raise the Roof has set another equally challenging target for itself – to join up to 100 members within the next 3 months. This target encompasses including at least 15% of members who are male, as the group recognises the importance of a diverse membership in order to represent the needs of the wider industry.

Ruth Scarrott, National Federation of Roofing Contractors (NFRC) Head of Careers presented a talk about the NFRC Skills Strategy. The Skills Strategy aims to improve apprenticeship numbers and capacity within the roofing sector. Ruth explained the links NFRC has with government organisations which help to influence strategy.

Ruth Scarrott

The Raise the Roof team of 12 members followed the SIG Showcase with a meeting to set out an agenda for meetings throughout the rest of the year. The first of these will be held at Restec in Flint, North Wales in early June.

It was decided that the meeting will include technical tours and CPD in the morning. The afternoon will focus on mentoring, led by Sam Jones and include a presentation from NFRC’s Ruth Scarrott to advise on preparing for apprentices and supporting new entrants.

The Lighthouse charity will also be invited to provide information on the free courses they offer supporting good working practice and behaviours. Social networking will be an optional extra for those who would like to attend.

Raise the Roof is open to all who are interested in joining. Denise Cherry said, “Keep your eyes open for the new events as they are launched. Registration for the Rockwool tour in South Wales on 14 March has had to be closed as it is now over-subscribed. Anyone who would like to register as a member will be kept informed of future meetings and events on a regular basis.”

Denise ended, “Thank you again to our hosts at SIG Building Solutions for inviting Raise the Roof to this excellent event.”

To find out more about the Raise the Roof group, visit the LinkedIn page.

>> Read more about Raise the Roof in the news

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