
Planners Reject Concrete Tiles Used Instead of Slate

LEEDS COUNCIL PLANNERS have refused planning consent to concrete tiles that have already been installed on a £8m housing development in Wortley, South Yorkshire.

Priestley Homes had obtained planning permission for the seven-house development in Fawcett Lane, Wortley to be roofed in a Spanish slate in dark grey.

However, the high-end Cliff Oaks development had dark modern concrete roof tiles installed instead of the specified slates.

Director Andrew Windress of the planning consultancy ID Planning, hired by Priestley Homes, admitted that the development now been built – and that “due to a miscommunication between the contractor and architect, different roof tiles have been installed that do not accord with those approved under permissions”.

The planning consultant argued that nevertheless the dark concrete tiles complement the original slate roofs of the adjacent Grade II listed Cliff House which the new housing development’s roofs were specified to accord with.

Andrew Windress said: “It is not considered that the roof tiles cause any visual harm and do not represent an incongruous feature in the wider Cliff Oaks development. We therefore consider that the roof tiles as built are not materially harmful and retrospective permission can be granted for their retention.”

The council’s planning committee disagreed. At a hearing on 24 July it was decided: “The Local Planning Authority considers the as built development, through the use of modern concrete roof tiles, harmful upon visual amenity whilst creating a harmful impact upon the character and setting of Grade II Listed Cliff House.”

Developers have six months to appeal against the decision.

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