
New Concrete Batching Plant for Tile Manufacturer  

AS PART OF a major investment project at its Burton on Trent roof tile plant, Russell Roof Tiles is installing new equipment which will support its net zero ambitions.

The milestone £18.5m investment programme which the concrete roof tiles manufacturer announced last year is set to be completed in 2024.

Part of the project includes the installation of a Skako Concrete ‘High Silo’ batching plant, complete with AM2250 planetary mixer to facilitate increased concrete roof tile production. The company says the installation should be complete by Easter.

This project is the largest single investment since Russell Roof Tiles was acquired from Cemex in 2011 by Crown Global Equity, which manufactures concrete roof tiles in the US and Mexico. Since then, the UK firm has seen £17.3m invested in its three sites, continuing to increase efficiencies and capacity to meet demand.

New Concrete Batching Plant

The new batching plant is being installed whilst the tile plant continues to manufacture. The company says the plant will have increased efficiencies as well as sustainable benefits such as a water reclamation and refiltering system, that allows for recycling of all wash water, including using wash water from the factory. This will reduce the firm’s use of fresh water, and significantly reduce waste.

Russell Roof Tiles says it has been seeking ways to reduce its environmental impact, including investing in more energy-efficient equipment, optimising its production processes, and sourcing more sustainable materials as part of its Net Zero pledge, to ensure it becomes carbon neutral by 2040 – 10 years ahead of the Government’s timeline.

The new Skako Concrete batching plant replaces Russell Roof Tiles old and inefficient 1990’s batching plant and concrete mixer and was designed to meet increased production demand as well as allow for further capacity increases in the future. The much larger volume system will be able to handle the sand, cement, and pigment needed to feed a new mixing plant and in-turn roof tile production line.

Bruce Laidlaw, operations director at Russell Roof Tiles, said: “It is important that we continue to focus on efficiencies and sustainability across this major project, looking at market leading environmental options throughout the new facility. For example, this type of mixer is up to 20 per cent more energy efficient than alternatives available.

“Other energy efficiencies include using gravity to feed sand into the mixer below. Over time this saves a huge amount of energy moving sand. The Skako Concrete solution of holding such amount of sand above the mixer has allowed for the footprint to be compressed and thus install the full equipment within a much smaller area.”

Further benefits of the new equipment will include 2 x 100T cement silos, allowing for more flexibility in receiving cement deliveries.

Utilising the latest technology, the system also provides remote operating from the factory floor, as well as remote diagnostics to minimise down time.

Complex Project

The project installation has been managed by Skako Concrete, utilising its UK and European teams. Skako Concrete says the project has been complex due to the continued operation of the production facility and site throughout the works. In addition, much of the work has been completed during the winter months, which has added to its complexity.

Gareth Hulcup, SKAKO concrete sales manager for the UK and Irish markets, said: “The installation of the new batching plant has been the culmination of many months of meticulous planning by all stakeholders to ensure seamless integration of the new plant on site.

“We would like to thank Andrew Hayward, Bruce and all at Russell Roof Tiles for the opportunity to provide our solutions for the redevelopment of the site at Burton and contribute to their Net Zero pledge”.

>> Read more about Russell Roof Tiles in the news

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