
Latest on Waste Wood Rule Change – Checklist for Roofing Contractors

THE WOOD RECYCLERS Association (WRA) has issued a special checklist for roofing contractors, with the NFRC, to help roofers disposing of certain waste wood items.

The guidance follows the withdrawal of RPS250 on 1 September, 2023, meaning certain waste wood items cannot be disposed of in the normal wood recycling chain.

The waste wood items from buildings constructed between the years 1950-2007 have been reclassified potentially hazardous ‘amber’ waste. It means they can no longer be processed as non-hazardous, unless samples are sent for testing to prove they can enter the recycling chain.

The waste wood items from buildings constructed between the years 1950-2007 which will need testing are: barge boards, external fascia, soffit boards, roof timber, tiling and cladding battens, timber frames, external joinery, external doors and timber frames/joists.

Waste Wood Rule Change

The RPS250 waste wood rule change is already causing problems for roofers who have been refused skips or face extra charges being imposed to dispose of the wood.

However, if the WRA receives the test results from 300 samples of the waste wood items it can ask the Environment Agency to reconsider their classification as hazardous.

Checklist for Roofing Contractors

The Checklist on Demolition Waste Wood for Roofing Contractors Window and Door Installers following RPS250 withdrawal from 1st September 2023 highlights there is only a tiny amount of this wood in the waste stream and that the vast majority of waste wood is non-hazardous including wood from construction sites.

It advises roofing contractors to try to identify the date of the building they are working on to decide if the waste wood coming from it might be affected by RPS250.

The checklist tells contractors how to go about getting the wood tested as well as how they should update their policies and procedures to demonstrate their understanding of how to identify the waste wood items.

The WRA is holding a training and Q & A session on Weds 4th October, 2023 at 2pm. This can be booked via the WRA website.

>> Read more waste wood updates in the news

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