
JCT Announces 2024 Contracts Release

JCT HAS ANNOUNCED the release of its 2024 Edition of Contracts, which will launch with the Design and Build family of contracts on 17 April 2024.

An online launch event will give an overview of JCT 2024 and explain the main changes and features of the new edition.

The Design and Build 2024 Contracts will be made available simultaneously across all platforms – hardcopy, JCT On Demand digital, and via the JCT Construct digital subscription service.

Customers who wish to receive their hardcopy forms on release day can pre-order them.

2024 Contracts Release

JCT originally trailed the launch of the 2024 Edition in June 2023 at its annual Construction Industry Parliamentary Reception, which introduced the following key themes:

Modernising and Streamlining – including adoption of gender neutral language, and increased flexibility around the use of electronic notices.

New for JCT 2024 – the introduction of a new contract family, JCT Target Cost Contract (TCC), comprising main contract, sub-contract, and guide.

Legislative changes – major updates in relation to the new Part 2A of the Building Regulations, Termination accounting and payment provisions reflecting the Construction Act, new insolvency grounds reflecting the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020.

Future proofing – including changes to reflect the objectives of the Construction Playbook, and the incorporation of previously optional supplemental provisions relating to Collaborative Working, and Sustainable Development and Environmental Considerations, into the main document.

A launch event on 1 May will provide information about the background and detail of these changes. It will include presentations from members of JCT’s Drafting Sub-Committee:

Victoria Peckett, partner, Clyde & Co LLP, chair, JCT Drafting Sub-Committee
John Riches, director, Henry Cooper Consultants Limited, vice-chair, JCT Drafting Sub Committee
Ben Patton, partner, Ashurst LLP, member, JCT Drafting Sub-Committee
Sarah Elliott, partner, Wedlake Bell LLP, member JCT Drafting Sub-Committee

Victoria Peckett, chair, JCT Drafting Sub-Committee, said: “A tremendous amount of hard work has gone into the preparation of JCT 2024.

“We are thrilled to finally be able to announce the availability of the first contracts from the JCT 2024 Edition, and look forward to sharing more specific details about the changes with our users and the wider industry on 1 May.”

The launch of DB 2024 will also coincide with a range of other information resources providing more information about the JCT 2024 Edition.

Users are being encouraged to sign-up to the JCT Network to receive advanced information about contract releases.

>> Read more about JCT in the news

The post JCT Announces 2024 Contracts Release appeared first on Roofing Today.

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