
Historic Tudor Hall Gets £1.6m for Roof Restoration

THE ROOF restoration of a Grade I-listed Tudor manor house, first dated in the 14th century, has been secured with the award of £1.6m.

Bramall Hall and its historical treasures will be preserved for generations to come through the £1.6m funding announcement today (25 March 2024).

Located in Stockport, the building is known as ‘one of the most beautiful treasures of England’ and is visited by 36,000 people each year.

Roof Restoration

In recent years, the building’s roof has become further degraded and its Stockport Council owners say “without urgent repairs, its collections are at risk from the elements, and climate change is making this an increasingly pressing concern”.

The funding awarded to Stockport Council through Arts Council England’s Museum Estates and Development Fund (MEND) is intended for vital work beyond the scope of day-to-day maintenance budgets.

The urgent roof work entails stripping Bramall Hall’s Gritstone stone roof and replacing it, all leadworks and gutters.

Work is due to start in winter and is expected to take up to two years to complete. The council intends to keep the Hall open throughout this time. It wants to actively engage visitors and the community in the renovation works.

Historic Tudor Hall

Stockport Museum is developing a new programme to enable the community and visitors to see Bramall Hall through new eyes. It will explore heritage building methodology, offer behind-the-scenes tours and introduce bats and bees – some of the Hall’s more unusual tenants – through special events and activities.

In the longer term, plans are in place to bring alive the stories and symbolism hidden within the Hall’s Tudor paintings, redevelop the schools’ learning programme, and improve digital access to the Hall and its collections.

The building repairs will help preserve invaluable historic objects and architectural features, such as internationally significant Tudor wall paintings, a rare surviving example of an Elizabethan pendant plaster ceiling and the work of arts and crafts architect George Faulkner Armitage.

Councillor Mark Hunter, Leader of Stockport Council, said: “Stockport Council is proud to own, operate, and care for Bramall Hall. Not only is it a jewel in Stockport’s crown, but it’s also a national treasure, and we must preserve this first-class historic house and its enviable collections for generations to come. It is great news that we have been awarded this funding, which will support us in doing this.

“It is fitting that this major renovation work is announced during Stockport’s year as Town of Culture, showcasing our amazing facility to people yet to visit or who want to re-discover it. The Hall and Stockport museums are keen to get people actively engaged with the renovation works, feeding into this year’s cultural programme celebrating Stockport’s people, places and stories.”

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