
Future Homes and Buildings Standards Consultation Launched

A GOVERNMENTAL consultation setting out plans for achieving the Future Homes Standard and Future Buildings Standard is launched today.

The proposed changes in The Future Homes and Buildings Standards: 2023 consultation aim to improve the energy efficiency and reduce the carbon emissions of new homes and non-domestic buildings through the standards set in the Building Regulations.

Energy efficiency requirements for new homes and non-domestic buildings are set by Part L (Conservation of Fuel and Power) and Part 6 of the Building Regulations 2010.

Future Homes Consultation

The consultation sets out technical proposals for changes to the Building Regulations, the associated Approved Document guidance and calculation methods.

The majority of the consultation is about new homes and non-domestic buildings. However, a small number of sections are also relevant to existing buildings when there is a material change of use and there are some elements of updated guidance and minimum standards.

The real-world performance of homes is also considered in changes to Approved Documents L and F in Volume 1: Dwellings to improve the commissioning of fixed building services in new and existing homes.

Lastly, Part ‘O’ of the Building Regulations, about overheating, is being consulted on following its introduction in December 2021.

The government is inviting responses to the consultation to be made by 6 March 2024.

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