
Construction Product Manufacturers Not Interested in Digitising

MOST MANUFACTURERS do not see digitisation as a major concern or any need for it, according to research by the Construction Leadership Council.

Senior managers in construction product manufacturers were interviewed for the research about digitisation.

The research, which consisted of telephone interviews with C Suite individuals in manufacturing companies who supply products into the UK construction supply chain shows that:

Most manufacturers do not see digitisation as a major concern.
Over half see no need to digitise.
Most provide product information largely via pdf or hard copy only.
Only 8% have ever made or commissioned a BIM object, yet
A considerable majority think digitisation increases profitability.

No Interest in Digitising

The research shows that the requirement for digitised product information set out in the Building Safety Act and the Golden Thread guidance is not reaching product manufacturers.

Manufacturers face a challenging journey to digitise and will require specific support and motivation to make the necessary changes, CLC says.

Richard Robinson, President, UK & Ireland at Atkins Réalis said, “Eighty per cent of the 80 manufacturer leaders interviewed for this research understood the importance of digitisation, however only a few placed digital highly in their priorities, well behind other pressing concerns.

“We also found that digital transformation journeys are fragmented, and our investment into digital is sometimes misplaced due to a poor understanding of what is possible and what it means to digitalise. I urge you to read this report and consider how it can influence your policy decisions.”

The research was carried out by the Plain Language Group, the author of several other publications aimed at understanding manufacturers’ role in the digital transformation of the construction industry and assisting in the process of digitising construction product information.

The concise report, Digitisation of Construction Product Manufacturers: A report of research into senior manager’s views is available to download.

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The post Construction Product Manufacturers Not Interested in Digitising appeared first on Roofing Today.

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