
BAM plans another round of construction redundancies

BAM has started anther round of redundancies at its construction division.

The Enquirer revealed in March that up to 40 jobs were at risk as BAM started consultation on job losses at its London and Western regions.

The contractor confirmed this is a separate round of cuts with a similar number of jobs at risk across the Northern and London offices.

A BAM spokesperson said: “Like all businesses we need to be flexible and adapt to current market conditions.

“Within the construction sector the market has been particularly challenging over the past couple of years. As a result of this we have started a consultation process about reducing staff numbers within the construction segment of BAM UK and Ireland Division.

“This is not a decision we have taken lightly but these proposed changes will support us in further embedding our regional and divisional structures which have been implemented over recent years.”

Last year BAM restructured the number of construction operating regions from seven to five.

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