330-Ton LD Converter on its way to the U.S.A.
A 330-ton LD Converter has recently left Rotterdam aboard Happy River and is bound for the U.S.A. The 330-ton LD Converter from Primetals Technologies is headed for a U.S.-based steel producer to replace an existing converter that has reached the end of its lifetime.
The 330-ton LD converter (BOF) from Primetals Technologies is being lifted onto the cargo ship Happy River in the Rotterdam harbor.
Assembled in Europe, Shipped with Confidence
Assembled in Europe, the LD Converter is one solid 560-ton piece of equipment. Thankfully, with detailed calculations and preparations, the LD Converter can be shipped completely assembled and is prepared to remain stable onboard the ship, even during a storm. The onboard cranes are also capable of loading and offloading the converter. On arrival, the producer can skip any on-site assembly and benefits from a shorter shutdown period as the new converter is installed. Furthermore, all critical weld seams were done in a certified workshop, which ensures the highest possible quality and durability.
Vaicon Stopper and Vaicon Link
The LD converter is equipped with the Vaicon Stopper slag retention system and the Vaicon Link 2.0 vessel suspension system developed by Primetals Technologies. The Vaicon Stopper ensures that only a minimal amount of slag enters the ladle during tapping, allowing for shorter production cycles and higher steel quality than conventional slag retention technologies. An infrared camera detects slag as it leaves the tap hole and stops tapping by blowing in nitrogen. The Vaicon Link 2.0 vessel suspension system keeps the vessel stable in all directions and allows for free thermal expansion.
The engineering, equipment manufacturing, pre-assembly of the converter, trunnion ring, suspension system, and transport from Europe were all part of the supply scope from Primetals Technologies.
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