
Worker Suffers Life-Changing Injuries in Fragile Roof Fall

A MAN was critically injured after falling 10m through the roof of an industrial unit due to insufficient safety measures.

An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found that contractor CK Steelwork & Cladding Ltd had failed to take appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of workers on the roof.

On March 25 2022, CK Steelwork & Cladding was undertaking work on the roof of a building at Heathlands Industrial Estate, Kingmoor Park, Carlisle. The roof was known to be fragile and, at the time of the incident, safety nets were being erected below the work area. However, this work was still incomplete at the time of the incident.

Craig Dickinson, 39, was taken onto the roof by a supervisor to assess the job. While crossing an area of the roof that was not protected by the nets, Craig stepped onto a weak skylight which gave way, and he fell head-first 10m onto the concrete floor below.

Life-Changing Roof Fall

Craig suffered multiple serious fractures in the incident. Most of the bones in his face, hands and wrists were shattered. He also lost four teeth and severely damaged his knee. Craig spent six weeks in intensive care and was confined to a wheelchair for five months. Since the accident he has endured constant pain, and 17 months later he is still unable to work and will never be able to return to his former profession.

In a victim impact statement Craig Dickson said: “The accident broke every bone in my face and knocked out my front four teeth. This has made me have zero confidence and major anxiety, which I now have to see a psychiatrist for, every week. My nose was badly broken, which has left me with no sense of smell, and I have difficulty breathing through it.

“Before my accident I was a very physically and mentally active person and attended the gym on a daily basis and was a keen fell walker and liked to socialise. I am now left in severe pain and now have anxiety and I’m always anxious and find it hard, if not impossible to do anything like I did before the accident.”

Contractor Fined

CK Steelwork & Cladding Ltd of Barras Lane Estate, Dalston, Carlisle, pleaded guilty to breaching regulation 4(1) of the Work at Height Regulations 2005. The company was fined £16,000 and was ordered to pay £4,462.59 in costs at a hearing at Carlisle Magistrates Court on 31 August 2023.

HSE inspector Michael Griffiths said: “This was a very serious incident, and it is fortunate Craig wasn’t killed.

“Work on fragile roofs should be planned and controlled, otherwise there is a very high likelihood of a potentially fatal fall, or one resulting in life changing injuries, as we have seen in this case.”

HSE guidance on working safely at height can be found here.

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The post Worker Suffers Life-Changing Injuries in Fragile Roof Fall appeared first on Roofing Today.

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