
Langley Awarded BSF Champion Status

BUILDING a Safer Future (BSF) has awarded Champion status to Langley UK Ltd.

The roofing, waterproofing and regeneration firm becomes the first organisation to be awarded Building a Safer Future Champion status so far in 2024. It joins the existing Champions in committing to a journey of continuous improvement in relation to building safety.

Langley was awarded Champion status after successfully completing both stages of the assessment process (Leadership and Culture and Corroborating Elements), receiving detailed insight into its existing leadership and culture around building safety and equipping the company with actionable data and practical tools to help review and upgrade its processes.

BSF says Langley’s achievement “sets an excellent example to other organisations working in the built environment”.

BSF Champion Status

Nicola Jeffries, Quality and Compliance Manager at Langley, said: “Langley is thrilled to achieve the esteemed status of Building Safer Future Champion. As champions, we embrace the opportunity to lead rather than follow, solidifying our commitment to a ‘Safety First Approach’ that prioritises both individual and structural safety.

“With Langley’s strong leadership and culture, we are poised to spearhead sustainable change throughout the industry, fostering a culture of safety and resilience within our supply chain. We extend our sincere gratitude to Darren Oliver, our BSF assessor, and Gary Townsend Vila for their unwavering support on our Building Safer Future journey.

“Looking ahead, Langley eagerly anticipates our involvement in the Building Safer Future initiative, committed to making continual strides toward improvement in the years to come.”

Building a Safer Future is a non-profit organisation committed to raising standards in building safety and supporting required culture change in the built environment industry.

Companies can apply to participate in the BSF Champions programme by visiting the Building a Safer Future website and completing the application form, or alternatively they can email alexander.caller@buildingasaferfuture.org.uk.

>> Read more about BSF in the news

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